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Easy payment by installments

Statement balance by installments

Current statement balance by installments.

Product features

Easy installments

  • Applicability: Primary cardholders of the Bank's credit cards.
  • Minimum spending threshold required for conversion into an installment plan:NT$3,000 is the minimum spending threshold allowed to be converted into an installment plan.
  • Application Time:Application may be made after the current statement settlement date and 3 business days before the next statement settlement date, furthermore before the current statement payment due date, the minimum amount due must be paid.
  • (From 2024/9/21,some event rules have been adjusted, please notice for notes details and those who have set up their Taiwan dollar account to automatically deduct credit card payments, please notice that there are changes to automatic withholding rules, the actual application process shall prevail.)

Super-easy repayment

  • An installment plan tenure is available in 3, 6, 12, 18, 24 installments.
  • Installment interest at 6%-12% p.a.
  • Principal repaid in equal installments, with installment interest accruing on the principal balance outstanding.
  • The installment interest rates shall be based on the interest rates registered on the “Statement Balance Installment Plan Registration Service.”


Calculation example

Assuming the statement balance requested to be paid in installments is NT$3,000:

  • Number of installments:3
  • Installment interest rate p.a.:6%
  • Total annual fee rate:6%
  • Total interest NT$30

Number of installments Principal balance Principal amount due for the current period Installment interest Amount due for the current period
1 3,000元 1,000元 15元 1,015元
2 2,000元 1,000元 10元 1,010元
3 1,000元 1,000元 5元 1,005元
Note:Installment interest = Principal balance x (installment interest rate p.a. ÷12) (rounded to the nearest integer).

  • Principal of statement balance paid in installments and installment interest thereon do not count toward any rebate, event, or benefits.
  • Business card, Purchasing card, debit card, EBT, foreign currency transaction via dual-currency card, and transactions already converted into an installment plan are not eligible for participation in this event.
  • Only primary cardholders may apply for this service. The amount of purchases on the statement that are requested to be converted into an installment plan may not exceed the available credit of the credit card’s original credit limit. The remaining principal of the period that has not yet been repaid will occupy the applicant's credit card limit.
  • The Bank may reject the application for service if the applicant does not have a valid credit card of the Bank at the time of application; has a delinquency record; has entered into a preliminary negotiation or preliminary mediation with the Bank; is under rehabilitation or liquidation proceeding; enters into a settlement with the Bank; or has defaulted on a previous negotiation and is having a second negotiation with the Bank as a leading creditor.
  • An applicant must file the application during the period between “the current statement settlement date” and “3 business days before the next statement settlement date”, and must pay off the minimum amount due for the current period before the payment due date. Subsequent text messages will be sent to notify you of success or failure at 2 business days before the next statement settlement date, or applicant can check the application status on the official website or E.SUN Wallet.
  • If you apply after 2 business days (inclusive) after the payment due date, you must first pay the minimum amount payable and offset completed before you can apply.
  • To convert the statement balance for a period into an installment plan. The “statement amount to be converted into an installment plan” shall be the difference between the “amount due for the current period” and “amount offset for the current period (which must be no less than the minimum amount due)”; shall be capped at the difference between the amount due for the current period and the minimum payment due for the current period; shall be reduced by additional repayment made, if any, during the review period; shall be no less than NT$3,000; and shall on no ground be designated to fall over certain purchases or purchase amounts. The application to convert a statement into an installment plan, when approved, will become effective only if the cardholder has not violated any credit card terms and conditions.
  • If you have set up your New Taiwan dollar account to automatically credit card payments, please notice that there are changes to automatic withholding rules, the actual application process shall prevail. As follows:
    Before 2024/9/21, if you apply for Statement balance by installments in the current period (Only accounts in New Taiwan dollars), you must pay off the minimum amount due for the current period before the payment due date. (The automatic payment plan will be suspended for the current statement period.) If the application to convert a statement into an installment plan is approved but somehow canceled afterwards by the cardholder, the cardholder shall manage to pay the current statement by themselves.
    From 2024/9/21, if you apply for Statement balance by installments in the current period (Only accounts in New Taiwan dollars), you must pay off the minimum amount due for the current period before the payment due date. If you have set up their New Taiwan dollar account to automatically credit card payments, the amount of deduction will be changed in this period according to the agreement. Please notice that as follows:

    (1) If you apply for Statement balance by installments in the current period before 1 business day (exclusive) before the payment due date, the minimum amount payable for deduction will be changed in this period as agreed.
    (2) If you apply for Statement balance by installments in the current period from 1 business day (inclusive) before the payment due date to the day of the payment due date, this period will be automatically deducted according to the original setting. Please pay attention to whether there is any overpayment, and whether the account after offset exceeds the minimum commitment amount by more than NT$3,000.
    (3) If you cancel after successful application for Statement balance by installments for this period, Please pay attention to automatic withholding amount that as follows:
    If the installment is canceled by 1 business day (exclusive) before the payment due date, the original set automatic deduction amount will be restored for the current period.
    If the installment is canceled after 1 business day (inclusive) before the payment due date, the minimum amount payable for the current period will still be changed according to the agreement. Please evaluate whether to make additional payments.
  • An applicant may not change the closing date during the closing date of the current credit card statement requested to be converted into an installment plan, and the closing date of the following statement. Any application for change of a closing date that is filed during the said period but has yet to become effective will be automatically canceled.
  • Calculation of total amount due per installment: The equal principal payment plan applies, which means that the applicant pays in monthly installments for the number of installments they choose; each monthly installment is composed of the principal of purchases apportioned equally among each installment and the installment interest accruing on the outstanding principal at the agreed annual percentage rates for each installment. (Interest will be rounded to the nearest integer.) The principal, interest, and fee in relation to purchases on the statement already converted into an installment plan will fully count towards the minimum amount due for the current period, which, if not paid in full, will accrue delinquency interest at the rate agreed upon with the Bank, plus a late fee - the interest rate agreed upon with the Bank is the same as the revolving interest rate, and the applicable revolving interest rate is disclosed on each statement. Overpayment will be handled by the Bank’s credit card contractual clause for overpayment, and may not be used to early pay off the principal installments not yet due.
  • The Bank will grant a 7-day review period to an applicant after registration of the application for an installment plan. If you dissent in any way, you are welcome to contact the Bank for cancellation at no cost of fees or interest. If an applicant early pays off his/her credit card statement installment principal yet to be posted - early partial repayment is not allowed, the Bank may charge a prepayment penalty by the following contractual terms: NT$300 will be charged for each installment if the number of installments yet to be posted exceeds half of the total number of installments; NT$150 will be charged for each installment if the number of installments yet to be posted equals or is less than half of the total number of installments.
  • After applying for Statement balance by installments, If returns occur, such amount of returns will be presented as a negative balance in the next period, and cannot be used to offset any installment payment or be refunded.
  • In the event that the Bank claims the entire indebted amount due because the applicant becomes delinquent, fails to pay to minimum amount due, or violates any credit card contractual terms, the Bank has the right to demand that the applicant pay off the total outstanding principal in a lump sum.
  • Description of the interest rates on credit card installment products: The annual interest rate on installments (i.e., annual percentage rate of total fees) is 5.88%~15% depending on the project content and personal credit rating. The annual interest rate on installments is equal to the annual percentage rate. The record date for an interest rate on installments is June 1, 2018. The annual interest rate on installments refers to the one registered on the “Statement Balance Installment Plan Registration Service” on the official website.
  • These contractual terms shall be valid for one year after the applicant grants his/her consent, and will be automatically renewed after the expiration date if the contractual terms are reviewed and approved by the Bank and no intent to cancel the contractual terms is received from the applicant.
  • The Bank reserves the ultimate right to approve the conversion of statement balance into an installment plan. After the Bank grants its approval, the applicant may set up, modify, or terminate the installment plan according to the project content and in the manner approved by the Bank.
  • All amounts mentioned are denominated in New Taiwan Dollars, unless otherwise specified. Matters not provided herein shall be handled by the Bank’s Credit Card Terms and Conditions.
  • All annual interest rates disclosed in this promotional offer have been calculated using standard templates provided by the competent authority. The actual terms shall be based on the products provided by the Bank. Additionally, the annual interest rate may also differ from customer to customer depending on the products selected and personal credit rating status.

Single purchase by installments

Select the purchase you wish to convert into installments, and set up an installment plan purchase after purchase.

Product features

Any single purchase hitting NT$1,000 or more is eligible to be paid in installments.

Couldn’t be more agile:Available in 3, 6, 12,18, 24 installments

Comes in handy:Set up an installment plan at least 3 days prior to a statement closing date

Select the number of installments

Number of installments 3 6 12 18 24
Installment interest rate p.a. 6% 7% 8% 11% 12%
  • Period:2024/9/21~2024/12/31
  • The annual percentage rate does equals the annual interest rate on installments.
  • Service fee is waived.

Installment Calculation

Calculation example

Assuming the Single purchase requested to be paid in installments is NT$3,000:

  • Number of installments:3
  • Installment interest rate p.a.:6%
  • Total annual fee rate:6%
  • Total interest NT$30

Number of installments Principal balance Principal amount due for the current period Installment interest Amount due for the current period
1 3,000元 1,000元 15元 1,015元
2 2,000元 1,000元 10元 1,010元
3 1,000元 1,000元 50元 1,005元

Note:Installment interest = Principal balance x (installment interest rate p.a. ÷12) (rounded to the nearest integer).

  • Purchases converted into an installment plan must not exceed the available credit of the original credit limit. If the purchases exceeds the available credit at the closing of a statement, such purchases will be posted to the statement in its entirety and must be paid off in a lump sum, without further notice. The remaining principal of the period that has not yet been repaid will occupy the applicant's credit card limit.
  • This event is not open to transactions not considered a purchase, e.g., transactions made via a debit card, Business card, or Purchasing card, foreign currency transaction made via dual-currency card, transactions already converted into an installment plan, transaction made through mail order through the Bank, collection or (payment) of insurance premium on behalf of others, preauthorized payment plans for various fees, mutual funds, cash advances, balance transfer, returns, interest, the various service fees, receipts under custody, eTag automatic top-ups, automatic top-ups of the various electronic tokens, traveler’s check, gaming (e.g., gambling, consumption at a casino, etc.), underwriting of securities on a best efforts basis, transactions made on an overseas investment platform (e.g., e,Toro, MCO), and the various types of top-ups.
  • Only primary cardholders are eligible for application for this service. Purchases made via either the primary card or the supplementary card can be converted into an installment plan. The Bank may, without further notice, post the purchases under an installment plan to the statement and demand payment in a lump sum if the applicant does not have a valid credit card of the Bank at the time of application, has entered into a preliminary negotiation or preliminary mediation with the Bank, is under rehabilitation or liquidation proceeding, enters into a settlement agreement with the Bank; or has defaulted on a previous negotiation and is having a second negotiation with the Bank as a leading creditor.
  • The principal of each consumption account that has been processed for a single consumption installment or an installment with a designated card number can still has the basic rewards of the consumption card. However, installment interest and early settlement penalties cannot accrue bonus points, cash rewards or related rewards.
  • The initial setting of the installment function for a designated card number will take effect on the day of application; canceling or changing the installment amount threshold for a designated card number will take effect on the next day of application. Consumption before the effective date needs to be set up in installments or the number of installments needs to be changed. Please set up a single purchase by installment instead. If the consumption on the effective date meets the installment qualifications, we will proactively complete the installment settings for you without further notice.
  • After the designated card number installment function takes effect, if the consumption reaches the designated card number installment setting threshold and the installment setting is successful, we will notify you via text message. If the current consumption fails to set up the installment successfully due to insufficient installment limit, etc., if the subsequent payment is requested, Or if there is an installment that meets the requirements on the statement settlement date, we will proactively complete the installment settings for you without further text message notice.
  • If the account number designated to be charged for an installment plan is damaged, suspended through application, or replaced after report of loss, the Bank will instead subordinate the replacement account number to complete the setting.
  • In the event of simultaneous participation in two installment plans, the installment plan with a lower installment interest rate or the installment plan with a longer number of installments shall preferentially apply. And no further notice will be given by the Bank.
  • Calculation of total amount due per installment: The equal principal payment plan applies, which means that the applicant pays in monthly installments for the number of installments they choose; each monthly installment is composed of the principal of purchases apportioned equally among each installment and the installment interest accruing on the outstanding principal at the agreed annual percentage rates for each installment. (Interest will be rounded to the nearest integer.) The principal, interest, and related expenses per installment of each installment product will fully count towards the minimum amount due for the current period, which, if not paid in full, will accrue delinquency interest at the rate agreed upon with the Bank, plus a late fee - the interest rate agreed upon with the Bank is the same as the revolving interest rate, and the applicable revolving interest rate is disclosed on each statement.
  • The Bank will grant a 7-day review period to an applicant after approval of the application for an installment plan. If you dissent in any way, you are welcome to contact the Bank for cancellation at no cost of fees or interest. If an applicant early pays off his/her credit card statement installment principal yet to be posted - early partial repayment is not allowed, the Bank may charge a prepayment penalty by the following contractual terms: NT$300 will be charged for each installment if the number of installments yet to be posted exceeds half of the total number of installments; NT$150 will be charged for each installment if the number of installments yet to be posted equals or is less than half of the total number of installments.
  • In the event that the Bank claims the entire indebted amount due because the applicant becomes delinquent, fails to pay to minimum amount due, or violates any credit card contractual terms, the Bank has the right to demand that the applicant pay off the total outstanding principal in a lump sum.
  • Description of the interest rates on credit card installment products: The annual interest rate on installments (i.e., annual percentage rate) is 5.88%~15% depending on the project content. The record date for an interest rate on installments is August 1, 2015.
  • These contractual terms shall be valid for one year after the applicant grants his/her consent, and will be automatically renewed after the expiration date if the contractual terms are reviewed and approved by the Bank and no intent to cancel the contractual terms is received from the applicant.
  • The Bank reserves the ultimate right to approve the conversion of statement balance into an installment plan. After the Bank grants its approval, the applicant may set up, modify, or terminate the installment plan according to the project content and in the manner approved by the Bank (including by correspondence or phone or through the Internet).
  • All amounts mentioned are denominated in New Taiwan Dollars, unless otherwise specified. Matters not provided herein shall be handled by the Bank’s Credit Card Terms and Conditions.
  • All annual interest rates disclosed in this promotional offer have been calculated using standard templates provided by the competent authority. The actual terms shall be based on the products provided by the Bank. Additionally, the annual interest rate may also differ from customer to customer depending on the products selected and personal credit rating status.

Card balance by installments

Automatically convert every purchase into an installment plan by simply selecting an E.SUN credit card and doing a one-time setting

Product features

  • Low threshold:Every purchase hitting the minimum spending threshold of merely NT$1,000 will be automatically converted into an installment plan.
  • Couldn’t be more agile:Available in 3, 6, 12,18, 24 installments
  • Comes in handy:Set up an installment plan at least 3 days prior to a statement closing date

Select the number of installments

Number of installments 3 6 12 18 24
Installment interest rate p.a. 6% 7% 8% 11% 12%
  • Period:2024/9/21~2024/12/31
  • The annual percentage rate does equals the annual interest rate on installments.
  • Service fee is waived.

Installment Calculation

Calculation example

Assuming the Single purchase requested to be paid in installments is NT$3,000:

  • Number of installments:3
  • Installment interest rate p.a.:6%
  • Total annual fee rate:6%
  • Total interest NT$30

Number of installments Principal balance Principal amount due for the current period Installment interest Amount due for the current period
1 3,000元 1,000元 15元 1,015元
2 2,000元 1,000元 10元 1,010元
3 1,000元 1,000元 5元 1,005元
Note:Installment interest = Principal balance x (installment interest rate p.a. ÷12) (rounded to the nearest integer).
  • Purchases converted into an installment plan must not exceed the available credit of the original credit limit. If the purchases exceeds the available credit at the closing of a statement, such purchases will be posted to the statement in its entirety and must be paid off in a lump sum, without further notice. The remaining principal of the period that has not yet been repaid will occupy the applicant's credit card limit.
  • This event is not open to transactions not considered a purchase, e.g., transactions made via a debit card, Business card, or Purchasing card, foreign currency transaction made via dual-currency card, transactions already converted into an installment plan, transaction made through mail order through the Bank, collection or (payment) of insurance premium on behalf of others, preauthorized payment plans for various fees, mutual funds, cash advances, balance transfer, returns, interest, the various service fees, receipts under custody, eTag automatic top-ups, automatic top-ups of the various electronic tokens, traveler’s check, gaming (e.g., gambling, consumption at a casino, etc.), underwriting of securities on a best efforts basis, transactions made on an overseas investment platform (e.g., e,Toro, MCO), and the various types of top-ups.
  • Only primary cardholders are eligible for application for this service. Purchases made via either the primary card or the supplementary card can be converted into an installment plan. The Bank may, without further notice, post the purchases under an installment plan to the statement and demand payment in a lump sum if the applicant does not have a valid credit card of the Bank at the time of application, has entered into a preliminary negotiation or preliminary mediation with the Bank, is under rehabilitation or liquidation proceeding, enters into a settlement agreement with the Bank; or has defaulted on a previous negotiation and is having a second negotiation with the Bank as a leading creditor.
  • The principal of each consumption account that has been processed for a single consumption installment or an installment with a designated card number can still has the basic rewards of the consumption card. However, installment interest and early settlement penalties cannot accrue bonus points, cash rewards or related rewards.
  • The initial setting of the installment function for a designated card number will take effect on the day of application; canceling or changing the installment amount threshold for a designated card number will take effect on the next day of application. Consumption before the effective date needs to be set up in installments or the number of installments needs to be changed. Please set up a single purchase by installment instead. If the consumption on the effective date meets the installment qualifications, we will proactively complete the installment settings for you without further notice.
  • After the designated card number installment function takes effect, if the consumption reaches the designated card number installment setting threshold and the installment setting is successful, we will notify you via text message. If the current consumption fails to set up the installment successfully due to insufficient installment limit, etc., if the subsequent payment is requested, Or if there is an installment that meets the requirements on the statement settlement date, we will proactively complete the installment settings for you without further text message notice.
  • If the account number designated to be charged for an installment plan is damaged, suspended through application, or replaced after report of loss, the Bank will instead subordinate the replacement account number to complete the setting.
  • In the event of simultaneous participation in two installment plans, the installment plan with a lower installment interest rate or the installment plan with a longer number of installments shall preferentially apply. And no further notice will be given by the Bank.
  • Calculation of total amount due per installment: The equal principal payment plan applies, which means that the applicant pays in monthly installments for the number of installments they choose; each monthly installment is composed of the principal of purchases apportioned equally among each installment and the installment interest accruing on the outstanding principal at the agreed annual percentage rates for each installment. (Interest will be rounded to the nearest integer.) The principal, interest, and related expenses per installment of each installment product will fully count towards the minimum amount due for the current period, which, if not paid in full, will accrue delinquency interest at the rate agreed upon with the Bank, plus a late fee - the interest rate agreed upon with the Bank is the same as the revolving interest rate, and the applicable revolving interest rate is disclosed on each statement.
  • The Bank will grant a 7-day review period to an applicant after approval of the application for an installment plan. If you dissent in any way, you are welcome to contact the Bank for cancellation at no cost of fees or interest. If an applicant early pays off his/her credit card statement installment principal yet to be posted - early partial repayment is not allowed, the Bank may charge a prepayment penalty by the following contractual terms: NT$300 will be charged for each installment if the number of installments yet to be posted exceeds half of the total number of installments; NT$150 will be charged for each installment if the number of installments yet to be posted equals or is less than half of the total number of installments.
  • In the event that the Bank claims the entire indebted amount due because the applicant becomes delinquent, fails to pay to minimum amount due, or violates any credit card contractual terms, the Bank has the right to demand that the applicant pay off the total outstanding principal in a lump sum.
  • Description of the interest rates on credit card installment products: The annual interest rate on installments (i.e., annual percentage rate) is 5.88%~15% depending on the project content. The record date for an interest rate on installments is August 1, 2015.
  • These contractual terms shall be valid for one year after the applicant grants his/her consent, and will be automatically renewed after the expiration date if the contractual terms are reviewed and approved by the Bank and no intent to cancel the contractual terms is received from the applicant.
  • The Bank reserves the ultimate right to approve the conversion of statement balance into an installment plan. After the Bank grants its approval, the applicant may set up, modify, or terminate the installment plan according to the project content and in the manner approved by the Bank (including by correspondence or phone or through the Internet).
  • All amounts mentioned are denominated in New Taiwan Dollars, unless otherwise specified. Matters not provided herein shall be handled by the Bank’s Credit Card Terms and Conditions.
  • All annual interest rates disclosed in this promotional offer have been calculated using standard templates provided by the competent authority. The actual terms shall be based on the products provided by the Bank. Additionally, the annual interest rate may also differ from customer to customer depending on the products selected and personal credit rating status.
Please manage your finances carefully and value your credit

Products featuring a zero-interest installment plan: zero handling fees and zero annual percentage rates. Revolving credit rate: 5.88%-15%(determined by your credit score from the Bank; base date: September 1 2015) Service charges for cash advance (based on the cash advance settlement currency): the amount of cash advance x3.5%+(NTD 100/USD 3.5/JPY 350/EUR 2.5). Other relevant rates shall be announced on the Bank's website and application form.