Carbon Label of E.SUN Credit Card
Taiwan's First Carbon Neutral Credit Card
Introduction to Carbon Neutrality and Carbon Label
Carbon Footprint Label
The Carbon Footprint Label refers to the total amount of greenhouse gases produced throughout a product's life cycle, from raw material acquisition, manufacturing, distribution and sales, to consumer use and final disposal or recycling, converted into carbon dioxide equivalents.
E.SUN Bank completed the carbon footprint label certification for entire series of credit cards in 2019, and extended the certification in 2021. Starting in 2022, the carbon footprint of each issued E.SUN credit card is 1.1 kg of carbon dioxide equivalents.
Please see the website of the Environmental Protection Administration for details
E.SUN credit card (coil card)

E.SUN credit card (chip card)

E.SUN credit card(magnetic card)

結合環保公益訴求的「玉山御璽卡」,近幾年來持續推動「一生一樹 玉山植樹」計畫。植樹被肯定為最有效減碳及緩解氣候變遷的方式,同時關係著森林的生物多樣性。此項計畫已種下了逾40,000棵台灣原生樹種,估計每年可吸附720.9公噸的二氧化碳,若以1座大安森林公園1年吸收389公噸二氧化碳估計,約相當於1.8座大安森林公園的減碳量,有助減緩溫室效應、淨化空氣品質及維護生物多樣性。
Paperless Operations for the Earth
In Taiwan, at least 75 million statements are posted every month, generating approximately 475,000 kg of carbon and using up 170 million pieces of paper each month. This means that 0.55 Da'an Forest Parks are disappearing every month.
E.SUN is committed to switching to paperless and value climate change and global warming issues. We strive to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction through our main financial activities, working hand in hand with customers to create a green lifestyle that promotes eco-friendly, healthy, and LOHAS .