Introduction to Services
Application credentials
- Customers can use their credit card to pay for the business or service item.
- Registration of establishment was approved by the government and has a tax ID number.
- Having the sincerity of cooperation and willing to abide by the terms and conditions of the designated merchant agreements.
- Business and financial situation is stable.
- The store and person-in-charge do not have any credit risk concerns.
- E. SUN Bank reserves the right for final review.
- Company registration certificate:
- Company (business) registration approval documents and tax registration related certificates.
- Certification documents or licenses for non-profit enterprise establishment approved by government authorities.
- Registration approval document: Letter from county (city) government, letter from the Ministry of Economic Affairs or Economic Development Bureau of county (city) government
- Other tax data: Uniform invoice purchasing certificate, unified business number assignment notice, letter from the National Taxation Bureau, Business Tax Return (401).
- The latest 2 Business Tax Return (401) and purchase vouchers.
- Copy of the front and back of the person-in-charge's ID card.
- Copy of passbook cover of appropriation account (limited to account at E.SUN Bank).
- Provide a URL and attach webpages that were printed out or flyers (contents must include the name registered by the company that submitted for application / company data / products / prices / purchase orders).
- For special industries, following copies of documents that must be additionally provided:
- Registration certificate of B&B.
- Registration certificate and unified business number assignment notice of education institution.
- Practice license and unified business number assignment notice of hospital, clinic, and pharmacy.
- Registration certificate and unified business number assignment notice of corporation / incorporated foundation.
- Travel agencies must provide their "Ministry of Transportation and Communications travel agency operating license," membership certificate for the Travel Quality Assurance Association that year, and "copy of travel agency performance bond insurance policy" and "copy of payment receipt" from a property insurance company.
- Please attach the "shopping mall (store) counter lease agreement" (the counter lease period must be more than one year) for applications to install at a counter in shopping mall (store).
(Purchase voucher refers to: agency or distribution agreements for products, purchase order, quotation form, declaration for import, factory registration certificate, and related manufacturing certificates.)
Application credentials
- Products and services suitable to be sold online and can accept customers to pay by credit card.
- Registration of establishment was approved by the government and has a tax ID number.
- Having the sincerity of cooperation and willing to abide by the terms and conditions of the designated merchant agreements.
- Business and financial situation is stable.
- The store and person-in-charge do not have any credit risk concerns.
- E. SUN Bank reserves the right for final review.
- Company registration certificate:
- Company (business) registration approval documents and tax registration related certificates.
- Certification documents or licenses for non-profit enterprise establishment approved by government authorities.
- Registration approval document: Letter from county (city) government, letter from the Ministry of Economic Affairs or Economic Development Bureau of county (city) government.
- Other tax data: Uniform invoice purchasing certificate, unified business number assignment notice, letter from the National Taxation Bureau, Business Tax Return (401).
- The latest 2 Business Tax Return (401) and purchase vouchers.
- Copy of the front and back of the person-in-charge's ID card.
- Copy of passbook cover of appropriation account (limited to account at E.SUN Bank).
- Provide a URL and attach webpages that were printed out or flyers (contents must include the name registered by the company that submitted the application / company data / products / prices / purchase orders)
- For special industries, following copies of documents that must be additionally provided:
- Registration certificate of B&B
- Registration certificate and unified business number assignment notice of education institution
- Practice license and unified business number assignment notice of hospital, clinic, and pharmacy
- Registration certificate and unified business number assignment notice of corporation / incorporated foundation
- Travel agencies must provide their "Ministry of Transportation and Communications travel agency operating license," membership certificate for the Travel Quality Assurance Association that year, and "copy of travel agency performance bond insurance policy" and "copy of payment receipt" from a property insurance company.
- Please attach the "shopping mall (store) counter lease agreement" (the counter lease period must be more than one year) for applications to install at a counter in shopping mall (store)
(Purchase voucher refers to: agency or distribution agreements for products, purchase order, quotation form, declaration for import, factory registration certificate, and related manufacturing certificates)
QR Code收款
Application credentials
- Products and services suitable to be sold online and may be paid for by customers using their credit card.
- Registration of establishment was approved by the government and has a tax ID number.
- Having the sincerity of cooperation and willing to abide by the terms and conditions of the designated merchant agreements.
- Business and financial situation is stable.
- The store and person-in-charge do not have any credit risk concerns.
- E. SUN Bank reserves the right for final review.
- Company registration certificate:
- Company (business) registration approval documents and tax registration related certificates.
- Certification documents or licenses for non-profit enterprise establishment approved by government authorities.
- Registration approval document: Letter from county (city) government, letter from the Ministry of Economic Affairs or Economic Development Bureau of county (city) government.
- Other tax data: Uniform invoice purchasing certificate, unified business number assignment notice, letter from the National Taxation Bureau, Business Tax Return (401).
- The latest 2 Business Tax Return (401) and purchase vouchers.
- Copy of the front and back of the person-in-charge's ID card.
- Copy of passbook cover of appropriation account (limited to account at E.SUN Bank)
- Provide a URL and attach webpages that were printed out or flyers (contents must include the name registered by the company that submitted the application / company data / products / prices / purchase orders)
- For special industries, following copies of documents that must be additionally provided:
- Registration certificate of B&B
- Registration certificate and unified business number assignment notice of education institution
- Practice license and unified business number assignment notice of hospital, clinic, and pharmacy
- Registration certificate and unified business number assignment notice of corporation / incorporated foundation
- Travel agencies must provide their "Ministry of Transportation and Communications travel agency operating license," membership certificate for the Travel Quality Assurance Association that year, and "copy of travel agency performance bond insurance policy" and "copy of payment receipt" from a property insurance company.
- Please attach the "shopping mall (store) counter lease agreement" (the counter lease period must be more than one year) for applications to install at a counter in shopping mall (store)
(Purchase voucher refers to: agency or distribution agreements for products, purchase order, quotation form, declaration for import, factory registration certificate, and related manufacturing certificates.)
Introduction to Services
The E.SUN PayPass service on our website and app let consumers to directly select a mobile banking app they have already installed and accustomed to using for payment. As a result, their account number and amount can be entered automatically, the transaction process is convenient and safe, and stores only need to interface with one system to integrate the mobile banking payment functions of multiple banks.
Transaction process description
Applicable to e-commerce platforms for online shopping, online entertainment, subscription service, delivery platform, travel and accommodations that want to accept consumers pay by mobile banking payment.
Application credentials
- The store which products and services suitable to be sold online and may be paid for by customers using a mobile banking app.
- Registration of establishment was approved by the government and has a tax ID number.
※ E. SUN Bank reserves the right for final review
- Company registration certificate:
- Company (business) registration approval documents and tax registration related certificates
- Certification documents or licenses for non-profit enterprise establishment approved by government authorities.
- Registration approval document: Letter from county (city) government, letter from the Ministry of Economic Affairs or Economic Development Bureau of county (city) government
- Copy of the front and back of the person-in-charge's ID card
- Copy of passbook cover of appropriation account.
- For special industries, following copies of documents that must be additionally provided:
- Registration certificate of B&B
- Registration certificate and unified business number assignment notice of education institution
- Practice license and unified business number assignment notice of hospital, clinic, and pharmacy
- Registration certificate and unified business number assignment notice of corporation / incorporated foundation
- Travel agencies must provide their "Ministry of Transportation and Communications travel agency operating license," membership certificate for the Travel Quality Assurance Association that year, and " copy of travel agency performance bond insurance policy" and " copy of payment receipt" from a property insurance company.
Service inquiry
You are welcome to mail your inquiry to, and we will contact you soon.
- 省時免找零、結帳有效率:手機掃碼快速完成結帳
- 台幣定價、台幣收款:台灣店家收款無匯兌風險
- 便利來台陸客消費:使用陸客最習慣的支付工具
- 多元收款模式:玉山掃碼通APP/ QRCode二維碼收款/POS整合收款
- 經政府立案合法經營之企業/財團法人且販售符合兩岸法令與品質規範之商品或服務。
- 營運及財務狀況穩定者。
- 商店及負責人無信用風險疑慮者。
- 玉山銀行保留最後審核之權利。
- 公司登記證照:
- 公司 (商業) 登記核准文件及稅籍登記相關證明文件
- 其他非營利事業經該主管機關核准設立之證明文件或執照
- 登記核准文件:縣 (市) 政府之函、經濟部或縣 (市) 政府經濟發展局之函
- 其他稅籍資料:統一發票購票證、統一編配通知書、國稅局公函、401報表
- 公司章程、股東名冊
- 負責人身分證正反面影本
- 撥款帳戶存摺封面影本 (限玉山銀行帳戶)
- 特店照片3張 (含店面招牌、販售品項、價目等)(網路商店請提供官網販售商品頁面等)
- 特殊行業另檢附相關文件影本:
- 民宿登記證
- 教育機構之立案證書及「統一編配通知書」
- 醫院、診所及藥局之開業執照及「統一編配通知書」
- 社團 / 財團法人之立案證書及「統一編配通知書」
- 旅行社業者須提供 「交通部旅行業執照」、當年度「中華民國旅行社品質保障協會」會員證書及與產險公司簽訂「旅行業履約保證保險單影本」及「繳費收據影本」
- 商場 (賣場) 設櫃申請辦理簽約,請檢附「商場 (賣場) 租櫃合約」(設櫃期限須為一年以上)
E.SUN Trade 兩岸支付通提供多種服務方案,輕鬆將您的優質商品/服務透過網路銷售至大陸廣大市場,整合金流與資訊流,讓您抓緊商機一次到位。
- 台灣接單:台灣網站即可做大陸生意,貨暢大陸,金流台灣,免三證,免上陸銷售申請關卡。
- 無匯兌風險:台幣訂價台幣收款,匯兌風險由玉山幫您吸收。
- 多重銷售管道:自有官網串接銷售、付款連結簡易上架。
- 中國消費者至台灣特店官網購買商品。
- 使用支付寶付款結帳。
- 台灣特店接到訂單訊息即可準備出貨
- 特店台幣收款,完成交易。
- 經政府立案合法經營之企業/財團法人且販售符合兩岸法令與品質規範之商品或服務。
- 透過兩岸支付通販售之商品需符合台灣出口及大陸進口通關相關法規,本行保有商品審核之權利。
- 需自建購物網站 (不可為電商平台之次特店),網站具備購物車功能並有TLS數位憑證。
- 需提供公司固定對外IP進行網站連線。
- 營運及財務狀況穩定者。
- 商店及負責人無信用風險疑慮者。
- 玉山銀行保留最後審核之權利。
- 公司登記證照:
- 公司 (商業) 登記核准文件及稅籍登記相關證明文件
- 其他非營利事業經該主管機關核准設立之證明文件或執照
- 登記核准文件:縣 (市) 政府之函、經濟部或縣 (市) 政府經濟發展局之函
- 其他稅籍資料:統一發票購票證、統一編配通知書、國稅局公函、401報表
- 公司章程、股東名冊
- 負責人身分證正反面影本
- 撥款帳戶存摺封面影本 (限玉山銀行帳戶)
- 特店照片3張 (含店面招牌、販售品項、價目等)(網路商店請提供官網販售商品頁面等)
- 特殊行業另檢附相關文件影本:
- 民宿登記證
- 教育機構之立案證書及「統一編配通知書」
- 醫院、診所及藥局之開業執照及「統一編配通知書」
- 社團 / 財團法人之立案證書及「統一編配通知書」
- 旅行社業者須提供 「交通部旅行業執照」、當年度「中華民國旅行社品質保障協會」會員證書及與產險公司簽訂「旅行業履約保證保險單影本」及「繳費收據影本」
- 商場 (賣場) 設櫃申請辦理簽約,請檢附「商場 (賣場) 租櫃合約」(設櫃期限須為一年以上)
玉山全球通專區:快速連結您的 PayPal 與玉山銀行或他行銀行帳戶,即可輕鬆提領PayPal款項
提領幣別更有彈性:無論您於 PayPal 持何種幣別,皆能提領至玉山銀行或他行銀行新臺幣或美元帳戶
Notice on Designated Merchant Transactions
- According to the Regulations Governing Institutions Engaging in Credit Card Business, designated merchants shall not refuse customers to pay by credit card, or limit the amount of each transaction, and may not transfer the processing fee for credit card use to the customer.
- Dividing the amount of a single transaction into two or more payments is prohibited (commonly known as splitting a bill for
payment using credit card).
(1)The same transaction (the same purchase, may include several items) must be completed in a single bill.
(2)Do not retrieve two or more authorization codes and issue two or more bills for a single transaction, or repeatedly swipe a card for amounts reduced incrementally for any reason (such as insufficient credit limit authorized or requested by the cardholder). - Do not use the payment terminal for credit card transactions beyond the scope of business or to take out a non-consumption loan.
- Do not move the payment terminal to another business address, transfer or lend the payment terminal to others without permission.
- Designated merchants shall be responsible for the safekeeping of transaction data, such as customers' card number, and may not disclose the data to an unrelated third party.
- Illegal transactions, high percentage of credit card fraud, or credit card transaction amount abnormally increasing or decreasing compared to revenue is prohibited. (includes an abnormal frequency of transactions by the person-in-charge at the store and suspicious transactions of excessively high amounts)
※In the event a violation of the abovementioned provisions is found, the Bank may terminate the cooperation at any time. - Pursuant to provisions of the Bank's Designated Merchant Agreement, if there are any changes to company information, such as the registered name, address, or person-in-charge of the designated merchant, please contact the Bank to change or terminate and re-sign the agreement.
- When a designated merchant closes permanently, it must notify the Bank in writing or via telephone to terminate the cooperation.
※The Bank's merchant service hotline: (02)2995-4913.