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因應內政部新式外來人口統一證號專案於110年1月2日起實施,將現行統一證號調整為 1碼英文+9碼數字身分證字號格式,若您已申請新式外來人口統一證號,提醒您下列事項:
In respond to the New UI No. Format for Foreign Nationals policy starting from January 2, 2021 by Ministry of the Interior, the New UI No. will use the same format as National ID, with one letter followed by nine numbers. If you had already applied for the New UI No., please noticed the following:


  • 內政部移民署全球資訊網已建置「新式外來人口統一證號專區」,相關資訊可於該專區查閱,如有金融諮詢外之相關問題,可請您撥打移民署各服務站電話、「1996內政服務熱線」及「外來人士在臺生活諮詢服務熱線(0800-024-111)」。
    The Ministry of the Interior National Immigration Agency website has built “New UI No. Format for ForeignNationals“ section for your convenience to search for relevant information. If you have any questions other than financial services, please call National Immigration Agency, 1996 Ministry of the Interior hotline, or Foreigners In Taiwan Hotline(0800-024-111).

  • 改號後建議同步更新相關資訊予撥薪雇主、證券公司、公共事業費機關、稅捐機關…等單位,以利該單位更新資訊並順利依您與該單位之約定完成入/扣款項。
    After replacing your UI No., it is recommended to simultaneously provide relevant information to payroll employers, securities companies, public utility companies, tax collection authorities, etc., for them to successfully update your information to complete the deposit/deduct.

  • 提醒您,本年度所得稅結算申報時,請您注意申報之統一證號與金融機構留存之證號是否相符,以維護您的權益。
    This year’s income tax settlement and declaration period will expire soon. For your rights, please confirm that your declared UI No. matches the certificate number retained by the financial institution.

  • 若您與本行有信用卡、授信業務往來,本行於接獲財團法人金融聯合徵信中心通知後約30日內主動將您的統一證號更新為新式外來人口證號,以確保傳送聯徵中心資料正確性。本行新式統一證號更新後將影響個人網路銀行及行動銀行使用,影響如下:
    If you have credit card or loan business with E.SUN bank, after we received the notice from Joint Credit Information Center, we will automatically replace your previous UI No. into your new UI No. within the next 30 days to ensure the correctness of the information transmitted. The updated UI No. will affect your use in E.SUN Bank’s personal online banking and mobile banking as following:

    1. 本行個人網路銀行及行動銀行須以新證號登入,如您有使用網路銀行,資料更新後請透過「語音OTP密碼」、「玉山行動銀行認證」、「金融卡讀卡機+本行金融卡」自行設定使用者名稱及使用者密碼。
      It is required to use the new UI No. to log in E.SUN Bank’s personal online banking and mobile banking. If you use online banking, after the information is updated, please set up your username and password through "Voice OTP Password", "E.SUN Bank’s Mobile Banking Authentication", or "Card Reader + ATM Card".

    2. 如您有外匯服務需求,敬請您攜帶最新證照正本,至鄰近分行辦理新式外來人口統一證號資料變更事宜,以利外匯申報正確報送。
      If you need any foreign exchange service, in order to submit the foreign exchange declarations correctly, please visit nearby branch with your latest ARC to update the UI No. information.

  • 為提供便民服務,本行將自2021年7月22日起開辦郵寄辦理外來人口變更新式統一證號之「統一證號」、「證件號碼」及「證件起迄日」,如您需變更其他基本資料,請多善用網路銀行或洽鄰近分行辦理。
    For your convenience, from July 22, 2021 on, E.SUN Bank will start mailing service of the renewal of “UI No.”, “Certificate No.”, and “Certificate Valid Date” for New UI No. Format for Foreign Nationals. If you need to update other information, please make good use of online baking or go to any nearby branch.

If you have any questions related to financial services, please contact any nearby branches, or customer service hotline 02-21821313 and press 2 then press 0, we will serve you wholeheartedly. Thank you for your cooperation.

為了節省您寶貴時間,建議您於線上申請 數位帳戶,以免臨櫃久候。
