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New Scammer Methods - Fraudulently Obtaining Personal Information for Account Transactions and Financial Service Applications with the Reasons of "Pandemic Prevention Subsidies Applications" and "Road Running Registration System Abnormalities

Dear Customers:

Recently, fraudulent groups have been sending text messages such as “pandemic prevention subsidies applications”, “relief loan” and “confirmed case subsidies” to trick people into providing personal information and Internet banking login information to apply for subsidies, or request people to provide personal information and payment information with the reason of registration system abnormalities on behalf of an organizer of a road running activity. After obtaining personal information and Internet banking login information, the fraudulent groups use the victim's information to apply for cash advance services online and then log in to the victim's Internet banking to remit the entire amount to a dummy account.
Please be reminded not to click on unknown links, enter personal information on unknown websites or easily disclose your Internet banking account No., password and OTP authentication code, and pay attention to E.SUN's real-time notification of account changes to ensure that you are the person who operates the account. Please call the National Police Agency's 165 anti-fraud hotline or E.SUN’s customer service hotline at (02)2182-1313 or 0800-301313 to be served by our customer service officer if you have any questions.

Wishing you best of luck and good health

Sincerely, E.SUN Bank