
偽冒電子郵件聲明(Statement on Suspicious E-mail)

2021 年 03 月 08 日


1.釣魚簡訊:詐騙集團假冒銀行名義發送釣魚簡訊,以客戶銀行帳戶顯示異常或系統更新需要重新驗證等理由,要求點選簡訊上的假網址。本行不會發送簡訊請您點選簡訊上的連結並輸入帳號、密碼、OTP等認證資訊,請您除於本行網路銀行或本行App 外,勿在其他網站輸入上述認證資訊。
2. 釣魚郵件:詐騙集團會假藉銀行名義發送各種通知書電子郵件,若您收到相關郵件時,請不要點選郵件內文的連結及附件檔案(附件內可能含有病毒或木馬程式),避免您個人資料外洩,或產生其他損失;建議於電腦安裝防毒軟體並更新至最新病毒碼版本。
3. 請注意辨識是否為本行所發出的E-mail,您可由寄件者的電子郵件域名是否為esunbank.com.tw、email.esunbank.com.tw、esunbank.com來判斷是否為本行對外發送的E-mail。如果您不確定電郵真假,請您特別留意不要輕易點選郵件內文的連結或附件檔案(附件內可能含有病毒或木馬程式),避免您個人資料外洩或產生其他損失。

如有相關事項詢問,歡迎使用24小時智能客服諮詢(robot.esunbank.com.tw),或於營業時間致電本行香港分行客服專線 (+852) 3405-6168按8轉2。

敬祝 順心
玉山銀行香港分行 敬上

Dear customer:

In view of the recent phishing scams purported to be sent by E.SUN Bank, If you have received any e-mail with the subject “發票付款通知(Invoice payment notification)” (see Phishing E-mail example as below), we have the following reminders for you:

1. Phishing SMS: Scammers would send text messages purposed to be E.SUN Bank as to fabricate your account having unusual activities or ask you to re-authenticate your account by clicking on the malicious link in the text message. Please be aware that E.SUN Bank will not ask you to re-authenticate your account by clicking on any link in text messages or ask you to input the username of your eBanking account, password, one-time password(OTP) , etc.. Please DO NOT input user ID or password on any websites except for E.SUN Bank official eBanking portal and mobile application CEO+ .
2. Phishing email: Scammers would impersonate E.SUN Bank to send you malicious emails in form of various notifications. If you receive these emails, please do not clicking on any link or files attached in the email to avoid leakage of your personal data or other losses. (Attached files may contain virus or Trojan to steal your private information). E.SUN Bank advise you to regularly update anti-virus software to protect your computer.
3. Please note that if the email is sent by E.SUN Bank, you can determine if the sender's email domain name is “esunbank.com.tw”, “email.esunbank.com.tw”, “esunbank.com” to confirm. If you are not sure whether the email is true or false, please do not easily click on links or attachment files (which may contain viruses or Trojans) to avoid leakage of your personal data or other losses.

Please contact our staff if you have any enquiries, you can chat with our 24-hour smart customer service consultation (robot.esunbank.com.tw) or call our Hong Kong branch customer service at business hours at (+852) 3405-6168 at 8 to 2.

Yours sincerely,
E.SUN Bank Hong Kong Branch
(Incorporated in Taiwan, with limited liability)

釣魚電郵範例 (Phishing E-mail Example):
