

We are recruiting|我們正在招募:
  • Sales Representatives 行銷專才
  • Business Planning Professionals 企劃專才
  • Financial Service Officer 金融服務專才
  • Compliance & Risk Management Professionals 法遵&風管專才

Applicants are required to be|申請者需要:
  • Permanent Hong Kong resident or possess a valid visa to work in Hong Kong (IANG visa and Top Talent Pass holders are welcomed)
  • Bachelor Degree or above in relevant disciplines (e.g. Business, Finance, Accounting, Management etc.)
  • Good communication skills with proficiency in spoken and written English and Chinese (including Putonghua)
  • Proficient in MS Office
  • Detail-minded, with sense of responsibility and able to work under pressure
  • Team player and eager to learn
  • Self-motivated, positive to challenge and passionate in the banking industry

  • 具備合法在香港工作資格 (含IANG和高端人才通行證)
  • 持大學或以上學歷,商業、金融、會計、風管、資訊或相關科系畢業尤佳
  • 有良好的中英文溝通能力(含普通話)
  • 精通MS Office
  • 細心、有責任感、抗壓性強
  • 具團隊合作能力、樂於學習
  • 主動積極、願意接受挑戰、對銀行業充滿熱情

Introduction of E.SUN Bank|玉山簡介

In the spirit of Taiwan's highest mountain, E.SUN Bank endeavors to become a top-performing and respected institution. The sustainable growth of E.SUN Bank is built on three pillars: institutionalized management, talent development, and information technology. Our business philosophy is represented by the acronym E.S.B, which stands for Expertise, Service, and Business. Through steadfast efforts, we pursue our shared vision.
玉山,是台灣最高的山,以玉山為名,我們的決心就寫在名字上,矢志成為綜合績效最好、也最被尊敬的企業。 玉山自創立之初就以「建立制度、培育人才、發展資訊」作為百年事業永續發展的三大支柱,實踐「專業(Expertise)、服務(Service)、責任(Business)」的經營理念,透過長期穩健的努力,朝玉山的共同願景邁進。

Learn More 了解更多


Hong Kong Branch was established in 2002 as a full-service branch. We offer a comprehensive range of products and services, including deposit and remittance services, import and export trade services, credit and financing, wealth management, and financial solutions. Our goal is to create the best international financial platform, overseas fund allocation, and wealth management center for the Greater China region, providing attentive and comprehensive services to customers.
玉山銀行香港分行於 2002 年開業,為全功能分行。目前具備存款匯兌、進出口服務、授信融資、財富管理及財務金融等全方位產品線,矢志打造兩岸三地最佳國際金融平台、境外資金調度及理財中心,為大中華地區顧客提供貼心又全面的服務。

Compensation & Benefit|薪資福利


Competitive Salary
Discretionary Bonus 年終酬金
OT Allowance 超時工作薪酬


Group Medical Insurance
Birthday Leave, Company Trip,
etc. 生日假、員工旅遊等

  New Joiner Training

Application Method|申請方法

Interested parties please find the latest jobs vacancies and submit applications in JobsDB website or fill in the application formand send your latest CV with an academic transcript to hkhr-recruitment@esunbank.com.
有興趣者請在JobsDB網站查閲最新職位空缺並提交申請或填寫職位申請表,並連同你的履歷和成績單發送到 hkhr-recruitment@esunbank.com

JobsDB link網址: https://hk.jobsdb.com/e.sun-commercial-bank-ltd.-jobs
(If you click the link, you will leave this web page and go to the website of JobsDB 如您點擊此連結,您將會離開此頁面,並前往JobsDB網站)
