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OBU外匯業務收費標準 OBU Standard Charges for Foreign Exchange Business


International Remittance

Implemented on 07/22/2024

Outward remittance
Handling fees
  • 每筆按0.05%計收,最低USD10,最高USD30
    Calculated at 0.05% of each transaction, the minimum is USD10 and maximum is USD30.
    Service fee is USD0 for domestic remittance of foreign currency (limited to RTGS participants), and remittance by overseas syndicated banks (remittance to overseas branches)
  • 修改、退匯、查詢手續費每次USD10
    Service fee for revision, remittance cancellation, and inquiry is USD10
郵電費 (註1)
Swift/mail fees
  • 一般匯款:每筆USD15
    General remittance: USD15 per transaction
  • 全額到行:每筆USD35
    Full amount received: USD35 per transaction
  • 全額入戶:逐筆詢價或依國外費用補收(限本行存款顧客)
    Received in full: Quoted for each transaction or additionally charged based on overseas fees (limited to the Bank’s customers with a deposit account)
  • 境內外幣結算匯款:每筆USD25
    Domestic settlement of foreign currency: USD25 per transaction
  • 海外聯行匯款(匯往本行海外分子行):每筆USD15
    Remittance by overseas syndicated banks (remittance to overseas branches): USD15 per transaction
  • 小於等值英鎊100元之英國匯款,每筆加收郵電費USD15
    An additional Swift/mail fee of USD15 will be charged for remittances to the UK under the equivalent of GBP100
  • 修改、退匯、查詢郵電費每次USD15
    Swift/mail fee for revision, remittance cancellation, and inquiry is USD15

Inward remittance
Handling fees
  • 每筆按0.05%計收,最低等值USD10,最高等值USD30
    Calculated at 0.05% of each transaction, the minimum is USD10 and maximum is USD30
  • 修改、查詢每次等值USD10
    Each revision and inquiry is USD10
Swift/mail fees
Swift/mail fee for revision and inquiry is USD15
Collection of clean bills
Handling fees
USD30 per bill
Swift/mail fees
  • 美國、香港為付款地之當地通用貨幣,每張等值USD25
    The local currency is used in the U.S. and Hong Kong, USD25 per bill
  • 其餘地區每張等值USD35
    USD35 each for other regions
※ 國外費用:依國外銀行實際收費標準逕自票款中扣除
Fee of overseas : It depends on the service charges of overseas bank.
Bank Reference
USD30 per copy, USD15 per sheet of paper for the second copy and after.
Affidavit of the balance of deposits
  • 臨櫃申請:每份USD5,第二份起每張收費USD2
    Counter application: USD5 per copy, USD2 per sheet of paper for the second copy and after
  • 網銀申請:每份USD3,第二份起每份收費USD1
    Apply via online banking: USD3 per copy, USD1 per copy for the second copy and after
  • 郵寄費用:台灣地區,每次USD2元/1~10份。海外地區,每次USD25元/1~10份
    Postage: Taiwan, USD2/1-10 copies. Overseas, USD25/1-10 copies
Transaction Details
調閱存摺交易明細 (自調閱日起算),每一帳號每份:
Retrieve passbook transaction details (starting from the date of retrieval), each copy for each account is:
  • 一年(含)以內:USD5元
    Within 1 year: USD5
  • 逾一年 ~五年(含):USD8元
    More than 1 year- 5 years: USD8
  • 逾五年:USD 10元
    More than 5 years: USD10
  • 若調閱頁數超逾5頁,每份每增加一頁加收USD1元
    If the number of pages exceeds 5, an additional USD1 will be charged for each extra page for each copy
Bank voucher retrieval
一年(含)以內USD5/張、逾一年 ~五年(含)USD10/張、逾五年USD25/張
USD5 each within 1 year ; USD10 each for more than 1 year- 5 years ; USD25 each for more than 5 years.
Time deposit pledge setting
USD5 each
Reporting loss of passbook/deposit certificate and applying for a replacement
General loss reporting for a replacement is USD5 each
Reporting loss and changing the authorized seal
USD5 each
SWIFT statement
Monthly service fee is USD100, USD5 each day for notifications sent when the balance changes
Payment of customers' seized funds
USD10 each

(Service fees not specified herein shall be charged in accordance with the payment standards of the Bank)

  • 一般匯款:受款人收到款項會有差額,差額為外幣轉帳費用及受款銀行費用,其中外幣轉帳費用收取者為中間行或本行。
    General remittance: There will be a difference in the amount of funds received by the beneficiary due to foreign currency transfer fee and beneficiary bank charge, in which the foreign currency transfer fee is collected by the intermediary bank or the Bank.
  • 全額到行:受款銀行收到全額,匯款人負擔本行與外幣轉帳費用,受款人負擔受款銀行相關費用。
    Pay in full: The beneficiary bank will receive the full amount, the remitter shall bear the Bank's foreign currency transfer fees, and the beneficiary shall bear the beneficiary bank's related fees.
  • 全額入戶:匯款人負擔所有費用。
    Received in full: The remitter shall bear all expenses.
  • 外幣結算匯款:本行透過外幣結算平台匯款,受款銀行會收到全額 (惟不包含跨境匯款 ),受款人負擔受款銀行相關費用。
    Domestic remittance of foreign currency: The Bank uses a foreign currency settlement platform for remittance, the beneficiary bank will receive the full amount (not including international remittance), and the beneficiary shall bear the beneficiary bank's related fees.
註2 匯入匯款倘因匯/受款人資料不足、不正確、無法聯繫受款人取得外匯申報所需資料、其他不可歸責於銀行之原因致無法完成交易者,或匯 /受款人自行申請退回款項時,本行得扣除相關費用後辦理退匯。
For inward remittance due to the the remittance is unable to complete the transaction insufficient, incorrect or unable to contact the beneficiary for the information required for the foreign exchange declaration, other reasons not attributable to the bank, or if the remitter/ beneficiary applies for the return of the amount on its own, The Bank may refund the remittance after deducting the related fees.