項目 | 手續費(單位:新台幣) |
現金匯款 |
轉帳匯款 |
支存空白票據 |
本行支票 |
開立台支(不提供一般民眾申請) |
託收票據 |
託收票據撤回或延期提示 | 每張50元 |
一般票據掛失止付 | 每張200元 |
空白票據掛失 | 每張100元 |
申請 / 註銷撤銷付款委託 | 每張100元 |
拒往後/結清後申請兌付 | 每張200元 |
存款不足退票 | 每張300元 |
註銷退票註記 | 每張250元 |
支票存款戶開戶票信查詢 | 每張100元 |
第一類票信查詢 | 每張100元 |
第二類票信查詢 | 每張200元 |
存款餘額證明 |
資信證明 | 臨櫃申請:每份50元,第二份起每份收費20元。 |
交易明細 | 自調閱日起算,每一帳號每份:
調閱傳票 |
晶片金融卡 |
網路銀行/行動銀行/WebATM國內跨行轉帳 |
定存質權設定/解除/行使質權 | 每份100元 |
存摺、存單掛失補發 |
印鑑掛失/變更 | 每帳號100元 |
解繳顧客扣押款 | 每份250元 |
保管箱收費公告 | 依設有保管箱之分行收費標準 計收 |
Deposit/Exchange Service Fee Standards
Item | Service fees (Unit: TWD) |
Remittance by cash |
Transfer/Remittance |
Blank check |
Cashier's checks |
Issue Bank of Taiwan check (Not available for the public) |
Check collection |
Posted check withdrawal / postponement | NT$50 per check |
Reporting loss and suspending payment of regular checks | NT$200 per check |
Reporting loss of blank checks | NT$100 per check |
Application for or de-registration of payment cancellation | NT$100 per check |
Applications for cashing checks after being rejected or settlement | NT$200 per check |
Bounced check due to insufficient deposit balance | NT$300 per check |
De-registration footnoting of bounced check | NT$250 per check |
Check creditability inquiry for opening check deposit account | NT$100 each |
Type 1 check creditability inquiry | NT$100 each |
Type 2 check creditability inquiry | NT$200 each |
Affidavit of the balance of deposits |
Bank reference | Counter application: NT$50 per copy, NT$20 per copy for the second copy and after. |
Transaction Details | Starting from the date of retrieval, each copy for each account is:
Bank voucher retrieval |
IC ATM Card |
Domestic interbank transfers via online banking/mobile banking/WebATM |
Time deposit pledge setting/cancellation/exercise | NT$100 per copy |
Reporting loss of passbook/deposit certificate and applying for a replacement |
Reporting loss and changing the authorized seal | NT$100 per account |
Payment of customers' seized funds | NT$250 each |
Safety deposit box related fees | The service fees shall be charged in accordance with the fee schedule of branches with safety deposit boxes. |
Implemented on 05/05/2023